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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

When Did I Become Such a Pussy?

Let me just start out by saying that I have always been a huge fan of scary movies. Not so much blood and guts (not that blood and guts ever bothered me) - but suspense. You know, the "When is that guy going to jump out of the bushes and kill those unrealistically beautiful and adult-looking high school kids?" kind of suspense. Some of my fondest memories include watching every scary movie available with my friends when I was younger.

And then something very weird happened...

I got my Netflix in the mail about a month ago and was so excited, because the only DVD's our player has ever seen include Dora, Diego and Tom & Jerry. So when "The Strangers" showed up in my mailbox, I couldn't wait to get the kids to bed and watch it. I got through the first 5 minutes and was totally terrified and had to stop the movie. I know - what the hell? Nothing even happens it the first 5 minutes! I don't even think there was any talking yet! So, no big deal - I'll just send it back and get my next movie. Because obviously a brief flashback scene and two people moping around a house is just too damn scary for me.

So when "Zodiac" came, I put that sucker in and made it about 3 minutes. I got to the part where the couple is parked and a car pulls up in the background. Nope - can't handle it - Eject. Seriously? Seriously. What in the name of Alfred Hitchcock is the matter with me? Is it because these two movies are "based on actual events"? Did giving birth negate my " I love scary shit" gene? Whetever it is, I need to fix it. It's embarassing.

So, Netflix - I will be anxiously awaiting the next movie in my queue, Peter Pan.

1 comment:

Cari G. said...

Dear Rachel,

That is pretty sad.

Co-Author Cari