What's the deal...

Best Unread Blog on the Internet. When I can remember to write.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Guitar Hero: Obsesed

So my fiance is a HUGE Metallica fan. So when they released Guitar Hero:Metallica, he was first in line. Now, neither of us had played Guitar Hero before this... I know I know.. the most popular game ever or whatever. Blah Blah Blah.

We'll I'll sort of take that back because there was one really drunken night where I was lead singer for RockBand at a friends house. After about 8 Grey Goose and Ruby Red's I sounded AMAZING. I bet you 100 bucks you couldn't tell the difference between me or Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs... however thanks to cell phone technology I was able to record myself and was embarrassed for the next week. BUT WHATEVER THIS ISN'T ABOUT MY SINGING SKILLS.

So when fiance brought Guitar Hero home, I watched him play...enjoyed the music, and didn't think twice about it. I have never really been into video games, I let my little sister take care of that.. who by the way, can beat just about any song on expert, you can't even see her fingers...

So one day I'm sitting around bored, Fiance wasn't home... so I picked up the Guitar...

BEST GAME EVER! I can't stop playing it..its like heroine for someone who is too cheap and scared to actually use heroine. I love it. I am pretty too (even though its still on easy.. HEY THE METALLICA VERSION IS HARDER THAN THE OTHER PRISSY LEDGENS OF ROCK OR WHATEVER VERSIONS)

My eyes turn completely red after about 2 hours of not blinking and the other day I almost peed my pants because Metallica songs never end! Try playing Merciful Fate... Fiance calls it 12 minutes of Satan... maybe its because you eyes fall out of your head and arms fall off when you hit about 9 minutes.

So friends...if I don't answer my cell...